Finding others to play with belong in /r/MinecraftBuddies All Crashes/Issues go to #player-help in our Discord (for all issues, not just crashes). Post Server Ads (Hosting & Wanted) in /r/feedthebeastservers.It will only be allowed if a healthy discussion can come out of it Do not spam (this includes memes, low-effort posts, and reposts).Send them straight to the mod's developers or post to the appropriate bug trackers (includes mods and launchers) Do not expose any exploits or bugs here.Anything sexually explicit, obscene or offensive will be subject to removal and a ban from all FTB subreddits Be kind to everyone and try to help out as best you can.Only post content relating to Modded Minecraft or Minecraft mods.We reserve the right to ban users and remove posts on a case by case basis depending on if they break any of these rules The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or associated with the Feed the Beast company Rules and Guidelines This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition However, you can usualy also enjoy these textures if you want to with mods but note that there may be compatibility issues.Join our Discord Server! r/FeedTheBeast r/FeedTheBeastServers Welcome to /r/FeedTheBeast! About Texture packs work well even with the vanilla version of Minecraft. Installing Xray Ultimate does not require any additional mods.

Detailed Change Textures Guide Does Not Need Other Mods Check the latest version of the texture pack that you want to download for a better and more up to date improvements. While old texture packs can be used for new ones, older packs are likely to not have any compatible textures for new blocks. Select "Done" and wait for the game to reload *You can also use this menu to remove applied Texture or Resource packs Select the Texture Pack that you want to apply

While playing, go to "Options." and select "Resource Packs." Move the downloaded texture pack to Minecraft's "resoursepacks" folder

How To Install Xray Ultimate Steps To Install Xray Ultimate 1ĭownload the texture pack from Forge.